Services offered by Drillco
Drillco specialises in installing underground services to carry a range of infrastructure delivery systems i.e. gas, power, water, and sewer.
Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD)
Horizontal directional drilling is extremely protective towards the environment, causing only minimal damage to the ground near the unit. Using HDD in urban areas is particularly effective in minimising:
- construction costs
- length of construction periods
- permission procedures
- soil movement
- disruption to traffic
- project delivery (on time and on budget)
The application of HDD enables trenchless installations up to 500 m in length per drill shot and crossings underneath roads and rivers. The directional drilling method makes drilling underneath industry complexes possible. All types of services can be installed including gas, power, water, fibre, and graded or pressure lines for sewers.
Open Trenching
Open trench excavation consists of excavating down to and exposing the existing pipe so that it can be repaired or replaced. Open trenching may be required if there are too many services located, therefore removing the ability to underbore. The trench is then backfilled to surface level with sand and metal and reinstated to the original condition.
Pot Holing
The aim when potholing is to expose the underground services reducing the risk of damage to existing infrastructure. Depending on the likely depth of the existing service, potholing may be undertaken by an excavator or hand tools.
Drillco utilises specialised hydroexcavation technology to expose the critical or sensitive infrastructure. This method is safer than using either mechanical or hand tools and is widely accepted by most discerning owners of underground infrastructure.
Hydro Excavation
Hydro excavation is the process of removing or moving soil with pressurised water. An vacuum is then used to transfer the soil or debris to a tank allowing for a non-destructive and more accurate way to excavate soil by cutting through the soil and breaking it up. The primary benefit is that it provides for increased safety and control. Its accuracy limits accidents and injuries, and avoids damage to underground pipes, lines and cables.
Our projects often require reinstatement once completed. All reinstatement work is completed to the highest standards and always complies with local council specifications.

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