Mid 2023 our customer Obertech, along with Powerco, entrusted us to build the civil works for several generator sites around the country. These generators were needed to assist residents during power outages. During an outage the generator fires up and provides the surrounding area with power until the power through the grid is re-connected.
We completed projects at Whangamomona, Castlepoint, Riversdale and Himitangi. These site were exceptionally difficult to build, as two sites were solely sand based and needed an expert civil team to establish stable ground for 50 tonne equipment to be placed on site.
The Drillco Team stepped up and delivered exceptional builds, including several drill shots for duct installation, fencing, stabilizing pads, private road construction & gates.

Castlepoint Generator

Himitangi Generator on Sand Dunes

Whangamomona Generator