2020/2021 Feilding Wastewater Treatment Plant to Sanson – 225mm Waste Water line.
Drillco partnered with Fulton Hogan to deliver approx. 18,000 meters of Wastewater piping and Fibre for the Manawatu District Council. The Mt Stewart projects is part of a major wastewater centralistion inititive by the Manawatu District Council. The three stage project ran over approx. 9 months. Drillco provided the pipe welding, Hydro excavating, Directional Drilling and pipe installation. Drillco sent it's largest, most advanced, 60,000lb drilling rig to deliver this poject. This project posed a number of challenges that required careful planning, collaboration and communication. A river crossing under the Makino stream, and a significant portion alongside the SH3. Drillco has thoroughly enjoyed working with MDC and Fulton Hogan on this successful project.