11kVA upgrade – Powerco

Drillco were successful in securing a contract in 2023 to upgrade existing ducting within the New Plymouth CBD area for Powerco. The work involved cleaning (foam pigging) existing lines to clear any foreign objects and water, blowing new pulling cables through (with compressed air) and extending existing ducting to various locations via trenching or directional drilling. The works were completed over a 6 month period, with no service strikes or damage to other existing services. Multiple service provider stand-overs were required, along with involvement of a local Archaeologist, as the excavations were close to an old significant trench that surrounded New Plymouth in its early settler years. 

We also worked with Ngāti Te Whiti as the site was noted as culturally significant under the district plan, so protocols and monitoring plans were put  in place during all excavations, as required by the Resource Consent Conditions. 

Staff Induction @ Te Whare Hononga  – Prior to Project commencement 

The Ngāti Te Whiti Chairperson we worked with during this project had this to say ‘Again, thank you for you for keeping us in the loop. You have been consistent throughout this engagement, and we really appreciate your support.” 

As for the work, it involved us threading the new ducting over, under & around all the existing services within this busy section of New Plymouth. Navigating 11kva & 33kva cables, strategic Telecom and NPDC services was a challenge, but careful consideration and communication with all parties ensured we installed the ducting to satisfy the clients requirements, along with the other service providers we liaised with. 

The final piece of work had us completing excavations and a new retaining wall around the nearby substation, working around 11kVA & 33kVA cables, carefully taking managed fill away from site to an out of town facility and dealing with significant ground water issues. Then ends result speaks for itself. 


Before & After -City Sub-station Retaining Wall 


Just a small portion of services requiring navigation


Vivian St onramp – Twin duct installation 


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  • 64 Katere Road, New Plymouth

  • 5 Haybittle St, Feilding

  • 06 758 4143

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